Standards describe the minimum expectations that must be met by registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) who practise in Alberta. They must meet or exceed all standards that apply to their practice.
Outlines the expectations of registrants when advertising their nursing health services.
Outlines the expectations and accountabilities of NPs when authorizing cannabis for medical purposes for clients.
Describes the competencies RNs must have to apply to the CRNA to prescribe Schedule 1 drugs (except controlled drugs and substances) and order diagnostic tests in a specific clinical practice area.
Provides expectations and direction to registrants about the use of complementary and alternative health care.
Outlines the expectations for continuing competence for registrants.
On March 31, 2023, various provisions of Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2), commonly called “Bill 46”, and regulation made under it will come into force. Therefore, references to restricted activities and activities of daily living have moved from the Government Organization Act to either the Health Professions Act or the Health Professions Restricted Activity Regulation.
The expectations within the standards still apply for the supervision of health care aides and there are no changes to registrant practice. For further information, please contact the CRNA.
Provides professional regulatory requirements for registrants to assist them in producing clear, accurate and comprehensive accounts of client care within any practice setting.
Outlines the entry-level competencies that all NPs must possess to be proficient when they begin practice, as well as maintain throughout their career.
Outlines the entry-level competencies that all RNs must possess to be proficient when they begin practice, as well as maintain throughout their career.
Outline expectations for registrants to protect the health and safety of their clients, themselves, staff and the public by preventing and reducing the transmission of infection.
Provides expectations and direction to NPs about requests for medical assistance in dying.
Outlines the minimum expectations for registrants for safe medication management.
Identifies the minimum expectations that must be met by post secondary institutions for an education program to obtain and maintain the designation of an approved nursing education program in Alberta.
Outlines the practice expectations of registrants at all times, regardless of role or setting.
Outlines expectations for safe NP prescribing, including professional responsibilities and accountabilities, restrictions to prescribing, legal obligations and requirements for managing opioid use disorder.
Outlines the responsibilities of registrants when managing health information and requirements for custodians and affiliates as per the Health Information Act (2000). See also Privacy and Security Policies for Custodians: Information and Templates (2023)
Outlines expectations for registrants and their relationship with a patient in order to strengthen the protection of patients from sexual abuse and sexual misconduct.
Identifies the standards of practice and the requirements for authorization of an RN to prescribe Schedule 1 drugs and to order diagnostic tests.
Identifies standards and expectations for registrants performing restricted activities.
Outlines the legislated broad scope of practice of NPs in Alberta while delineating the boundaries of that practice.
Outlines the legislated broad scope of practice of RNs in Alberta while delineating the boundaries of that practice.
Outlines the supervision expectations for registrants when supervising nursing students, NP students, undergraduate nursing employees and registrants on the provisional register.
Identifies the titles, abbreviations and initials registrants may use and establishes the expectations for their use.