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GP 8 - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Registrar’s Charter

Policy Number: GP 8 Effective Date: September 2022
Last Review Date: March 2021 Next Review Date:  
Review Frequency: Triennial Related Supporting Documents:
  1. Source of Authority

    The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Registrar’s role is established under section 8 of the Act and Bylaw 6.

  2. Establishment

    2.1. The CEO & Registrar shall be a Registered Nurse.

    2.2. The CEO & Registrar shall be appointed by Council.

    2.3. The CEO & Registrar reports to Council.

    2.4. If the office of the CEO & Registrar becomes vacant or the CEO & Registrar otherwise becomes incapable of acting for any reason, Council may appoint an Acting CEO & Registrar, who shall have all the powers and duties of the Registrar under the Act, the Regulations and Bylaws.

    2.5. The Acting CEO & Registrar holds office until:

    2.5.1. The CEO & Registrar again becomes capable of acting;

    2.5.2. Council appoints a new CEO & Registrar; or

    2.5.3. Council terminates the appointment of the Acting CEO & Registrar

  3. Duties and Responsibilities [1]

    3.1. The CEO & Registrar is responsible for the operation of and overseeing the administration of the College as directed by the Council from time to time and in accordance with the Act and Bylaws. The CEO & Registrar shall perform all duties required of and exercise the powers provided to the Registrar in the Act, the Regulations and Bylaws.

    3.2. The Registrar may:

    3.2.1. consider applications for registration and applications for a practice permit;

    3.2.2. undertake any other power or duty given to the Registrar under the Act, the Regulations, or the Bylaws;

    3.2.3. execute any powers and duties delegated by Council, subject to sections 19 and 20 of the Act;

    3.2.4. refer any application for registration or practice permit to the Registration Committee or the Competence Committee for their determination;

    3.2.5. authorize reinstatement of a registrant’s practice permit or registration; or

    3.2.6. refer a reinstatement matter of a registrant’s practice permit or registration to the Registration Committee.

    3.2.7. delegate in writing any of their duties and responsibilities to another person with or without conditions.

    3.3. The CEO & Registrar shall:

    3.3.1. Serve as the organization’s principal leader, representative and spokesperson to the greater community.

    3.3.2. Support Council: Ensure integrity and strength of Council leadership and address issues around clarity of role, governance, Bylaws/policies, the Act provisions, corporate structure. Assist with the orientation of new Council members. Prepare reports to Council and attend various Council meetings.

    3.3.3. Convene and lead the executive team: Participate in the recruitment, interview, selection and evaluation process for direct reports and other key executive level positions. Contribute effectively to an engaged team of professionals living the College’s cultural values and driving towards the organization’s strategic goals. Instill the College’s cultural values throughout the organization. Develop leaders and systems that contribute to achieving strategic goals. Ensure that staff demonstrate the College’s values and are accountable for results.

    3.3.4. Strategize the organization’s short-term and long-term strategic goals, particularly in organizing and planning: Identify overall resource development goals and budget related to the College’s statutory function. Establish, maintain, and cultivate relations with internal and external stakeholders and other resources to support organizational programs and activities Maintain accountability for current year operating budget and for financial performance of the organization Ensure the effective implementation of the College’s annual operational plan within the approved budget. Effectively manage the College’s capital assets. Contribute effectively to sustainable organizational excellence. Design, prioritize and implement strategies to address known critical risks. Leverage data to evaluate effectiveness of current programs.

    3.3.5. Contribute effectively to safe, competent, ethical nursing care: Integrate Right-Touch regulation and risk-based decision-making throughout all regulatory processes, programs, policies, and procedures. Identify areas where new or amended regulatory tools and processes are required. Evaluate and continuously assess regulatory processes, programs, policies, and procedures to ensure implementation of best practices and promising practices to protect the public.

    3.3.6. Engage the public, RNs, employers, and other stakeholders to understand their needs and enhance the transparency of regulatory processes: Represent the College as outlined in Governance & Communications Protocol. Contribute effectively to engagement, influence, and leadership at the College. Continue to be a leader in cultural sensitivity, humility, and indigenous health in Alberta.

    3.3.7. The CEO & Registrar has the right to attend and speak at all meetings of the Council and its committees; however, the Council may hold brief in camera sessions at these meetings in the absence of the CEO & Registrar to review their performance and to deal with significant governance matters not benefiting from their presence.

    3.3.8. Delegation of authorities The CEO & Registrar may grant additional authorities (not covered in this policy) to other managers by way of a signed memorandum. Staff, other than the CEO & Registrar, shall not further delegate their authorities provided by this policy.

Appendix 1 - Delegation of Authorities Matrix



CEO & Registrar

References: must comply with …

Strategic Plan

Multi-year, including vision, mission, values, goals / objectives

Council approves

CEO recommends to Council

Council Charter: Council oversees the development of a five-year strategy

Business Plan, Capital and Operating Budget

Council approves Operating & Capital Budget

Council approves budgeted expenditures through the approval of the Operating Budget

CEO approves Business Plan, recommends Budget via FAC

CEO has accountability for budgeted expenditures in accordance with budget and operating policies

CEO reports expenditures beyond approved budget via quarterly financial reporting/forecasting

Council Charter: Council approves budget

Council accepts as information Quarterly Financial Reporting

Corporate Scorecard with KPI’s

Council approves

CEO recommends

Council Charter: Council sets strategic direction & risk tolerances, selects & oversees CEO, monitors performance, culture, and ethical integrity

Risk Tolerances

Council approves

CEO recommends

A column in Strategic Framework (Corporate Scorecard)

External Auditors appointment

Council approves
 FAC recommends

CEO and COO provide input to FAC

Finance & Audit Committee Charter

Audited Financial Statements, reports and disclosures

Council approves

CEO and COO recommend via FAC

Finance & Audit Committee Charter

Litigation, settlements: conducting and instructing counsel

Over $250,000 (uninsured) or where significant or material reputational impact

Up to $250,000 (uninsured)


New business

including acquisitions, divestitures, joint ventures, and partnerships

Council approves

CEO recommends

Once approved in Business Plan, CEO’s approval limits above would apply (for budgeted items)

Sale of real estate property

Council approves

CEO recommends

Other asset transactions: CEO deals within the normal course (unless specifically dealt with in other Policy or Charter)

Employment Arrangements including hiring, terminating, evaluating

Council appoints CEO

CEO has oversight of operational staff

Council Charter


Council approves CEO compensation

CEO approves operational staff compensation

Council Charter

Expenses (travel, etc.)

Chair approves Council member expenses or may delegate approval to management.

FAC reviews CEO expense reports quarterly

CEO accountable to ensure the authorization of staff expenses through Finance policies (Expense Reimbursement, Credit Card Reimbursement)

FI2 – Expense Reimbursement Operational Policy

Quarterly CEO expense reporting to FAC

[1] In the case of Bylaws references, these are direct citations: at times these refer explicitly to the “Registrar” only, at times to the combined position (in full).